All behind us
Like a bad dream, some things are just better forgotten and put behind us. Way behind. Deiter desparately wants to do that. Poor Deiter.
=Comic Transcript==============
Deiter: Well… that’s one way to end a month, huh? At least it’s a new month now and we can put all that behind us.
Deiter: What?
Chuck: Hey loser. You remember that one Halloween when we found Stan and that goat in –
Deiter: STOP!
Chuck: Huh?
Deiter: I was just saying that we can put that all behind us.
Chuck: Not too far behind us. Take a look over your shoulder.
Deiter: No. If I just keep ignoring him he’ll go away.
Chuck: That’s not working for the goat….
lol yes, let’s all put that behind us 😀
The goat would put it behind him, but that’s how all this got started in the first place!